Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday Night Burnout

Well Folks,

Here we are on a wonderful Friday Night in Yorba Linda, California...the Land of Gracious Living! Just noted as having the highest per capita income in the U.S. of A!

So here I am, stuffed to puking on Turkey and all the fixins', depressed as hell, pissed off at just about everyone and everything. I cannot believe that I cooked a 30 pound Turkey yesterday. There was so much food in my house it was obscene. I find myself feeling guilty about having so much, when there are millions of people who have so little.

I have to stop and thank god that by the good luck of being born here, I won the lottery! I think about how much I have, and then about my ingrate children who think that we are poor because I can't get them brand new beemers for their birthdays. What a crock.

Alright, enough gripping. I have to stop and realize that every day above ground is a good one. Every day that I wake up instead of come to, every day that I can walk downstairs (downstairs!) and open up the pantry and there is food there, every day that I can turn on the shower and I know that there will be clean water, that there will even be water, is a gift and I am grateful.

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