Friday, June 27, 2008

Hot Fun in the Summertime

Well hello boys and girls!

Here we are, the year half gone and there is just so much going on I am about to pass out from the excitement. (yeh, right)

I don't know about you'all, but when it gots to be over 100 deg. in Yorba Linda, that's hot. Now I'm not going to get into a who's got it hotter debate, it's just that we get spoiled her in Orange County, and when it gets above 80 or below 65, everyone freaks out. Kind of like when we get rain, every driver on the road forgets how to drive. And with the traffic the way it is, especially on the 91 or going through the Orange Crush, well, vehicular manslaughter becomes an option.

I went on a three day Men's Spititual Retreat in Valyermo, and that was great. The men's group that I'm involved with goes on this retreat once a year, about 30 of us to an Abbey, and it is really great to be able to let down the walls and get closer to men that I am proud to call friends.

I got back from that trip at noon on Sunday, took a quick shower and I was off again to Sedona with the wife, the youngest daughter Chelsea, and one of Chelsea's friends, Kayla. Thank God for ipods and texting. Drove for Seven Hours and hardly heard a peep from the girls (are we there yet?) It was a great trip until I got the bright idea to come back through Phoenix, it was hotter than Hades, 117 deg. How do people even exit in that kind of heat? But it's a dry heat, well so is a pottern Kiln, and I don'r intend to jump iinto one of them anytime soon.

My brother TJ and I usually go to the gym and then to IHOP for breakfast every sunday morning to workout and keep connected, but we've started going to the driving range. Yes, it's true, I am now a fledgling golfer. I've always loved the clothes, Argyle and plaids run in my blood, and I got my rear kicked in what was average sized surf at Newport, so maybe it's time to learn how to do this golf thing. I guess I'm doing alright so far, as Daddy Bill used to say, nobody has been hurt so far.

TJ and I were talking about music, as we usually do everytime we're together, although TJ is very happy to be stuck in the 60's, my taste is a bit more eclectic (he'd say wierder) but the subjact came to if we could, what music would we have play at our funeral? TJ has chosen "Darkness Darkness" by the Youngbloods and "On The Inside" by Jethro Tull. So far most of what I like would be really inappropriate, perhaps "The Gymnopédies" by Eric Satie and "Surf's Up" by the Beach Boys, as well as "Empty Room" by Margorie Fair are maudlin enough, altough "Here Come The Warm Jets" by Brian Eno or "Say You Don't Love Me" by the Buzzcocks are perhaps my two favorite songs of all time. "Natures Way" by Spirit comes to mind...

Celebrating the girls High School Graduation at Pirates in Buena Part. I even got to be part of the pre-show audience participation!
Oh well, such are the thoughts that occupy my mind on a daily basis.

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