Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hot time in Yorba Linda

Well here we are, recovering from massive doses of triptophan (Happy Thanksgiving) and very grateful after going through what was a very scarey weekend.

I'm talking about the Triangle Fire, of course, and the mayhem and madness which ensues anytime we get Santa Ana winds.

We were very lucky, we were evacuated on Saturday night, and the wind died down that night and we were able to return home on Sunday afternoon. Kathy, my wife, was trying to pack every single photograph in our possession into our cars, and our youngest daughter, Chelsea, packed every item of clothing that she owns into her little Ford Mustang. It was amusing and impressive at the same time. At least we were able to clean her room before the clothes returned.

It's tragic that 118 houses were lost, and a lot of people are looking for someone to blame, the City of Yorba Linda is getting a lot of criticism for the water pressure being so low, and rightly so, the water pressure in Yorba Linda stinks. Also, I find it amazing that as we are faced with a major crisis in the city, with pretty much the entire north and east sections of the city treatening to be burnt to the ground, there is absolutely nothing on the city's cable chanel advising of where to evacuate to, who to contact; there was not any information whatsoever.

A huge kudos to all of the firefighters that worked so hard to save what they could; it was awesome watching the Fire Department helecopters and planes working so hard. A huge thank you to them, as well as all of the law enforcement personnel that assisted. The helecopters were refilling in a pond on the Black Gold Golf Course, and the DC-9 that flew over was awesome.

I only personally know of one person that lost their house; I cannot even imagine what that must be like.

All in all, I am happy to be back to business as usual in the Miller household, as chaotic as that may be, and my thoughts and prayers go out to those who have suffered loss from the fires.

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